55. Yuan Zhou, Milorad P. Dudukovic, Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan*, Hui Liu, Multi phase hydrodynamics and distribution characteristic sina monolithbed measured by optical fiberprobe. AIChEJ., 2014, 60, 740-748.
56. Zhigang Lei*, Chengna Dai, Qian Yang, Jiqin Zhu, Biaohua Chen. UNIFAC model for ionicliquid-CO (H2) systems:an experimental and modeling study on gas solubility. AIChE J., 2014, 60, 4222-4231.
57. Zhigang Lei*, Chengna Dai, Jiqin Zhu, Biaohua Chen. Extractive distillation with ionicliquids:a review. AIChE J., 2014, 60, 3312-3329.
58. Zhigang Lei*, Xiaomin Xi, Chengna Dai, Jiqin Zhu, Biaohua Chen. Extractive distillation with the mixture of ionicliquid and solid inorganic saltasentrainers. AIChE J., 2014, 60, 2994-3004.
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