浦项科技大学In-Sik Nam教授作APCATB专题讲座
第二届全国能源与环境科技学术会议于2018年4月6~9日在北京召开,会议依托中国能源学会能源与环境专业委员会、化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室,由北京化工大学承办。大会汇聚了来自国内高校、科研院所、以及工业界的专家,并荣幸地邀请到国际期刊Applied Catalysis B: Environmental编辑、韩国浦项工科大学的In-sik Nam教授。
2018年4月6日晚上,In-sik Nam教授为大家做了“How to prepare Manuscript for APCATB in view of Editors & Reviewers?”专题讲座。
张润铎教授首先介绍了In-sik Nam教授的履历、研究领域以及学术成果。张教授在博士期间曾在In-sik Nam教授团队联合培养,他从学生的角度表达了In-sik Nam教授的敬佩之情,之后对In-sik Nam的到来表示热烈的欢迎,并期待In-sik Nam教授与我校实现长期交流与合作,带动和促进化学工程学科在理论研究和工业应用等方面的发展。
在本次报告中,In-sik Nam教授着重为大家讲述了“How to write a good paper?”、“5 major components for journal readeship”“my criteria for early decision”“What gets you accepted?”等几大方面。In-sik Nam教授的讲解深入浅出,有条不紊,娓娓道来,全体与会人员都耳听心受,受益匪浅。最后,In-sik Nam教授针对现场与会师生提出的问题,做出了诚恳的点评和建议,学术交流取得了圆满成功。
In-sik Nam 教授简介:
He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1983. He began his career at POSTECH in Korea in 1987. His research interest is mainly environmental catalysis and reactor design in the area of emission control technology including urea-SCR, HC/OHC-SCR and reaction kinetics of TWC. He has been appointed as one of five editors for “Applied Catalysis B: Environmental”, since 2007. He was the president of Korea Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE) in 2010 and received the prestigious National Medal from the President of Korea in April, 2013 and the 11th Presidential Engineering Award in for his outstanding contribution for the progress of Catalysis & Chemical Engineering Science and Education. He published significant works in Automotive Catalysis journals from 2013. He gave 22 invited conferences at international conferences (e.g. 2017 EUROPACAT, 8th ICEC).