新南威尔士大学工程系高级访问学者Wey Yang TEOH应邀来我校进行学术交流


2019年6月19日,来自澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的Wey Yang TEOH 教授受邀来我校化工学院做题为“Desigh of stable quantum dot sensitizer for cleaning hydrogen energy”主题报告。报告在图书馆三层学术报告厅内如期举行,报告开始前,张润铎教授简要介绍了一下TEOH教授,让我们对这位年轻的教授有了初步的认识。


The concept of “cleaner hydrogen society” is receiving renewed interest in Australia as it aims to become a major exporter of hydrogen to the Asia Pacific market by 2025. Given that Australia receives 58 million Petajoule of sunlight per year, or 100,000 times its local energy demand, there exists vast potential for the development photocatalytic water splitting technologies. The presentation will begin with some early efforts on establishing the basic understanding of heterojunctions engineering for photocharge separation, leading to the design of stable quantum dots sensitizers. By minimizing resistance at the quantum dot-acceptor interface, we managed to unlock the full potential of the photoelectron injection process in line with that predicted by Marcus theory. Further strategies such as anisotropic design, interfacing with graphene and doping were introduced as means of maximizing the charge transport properties and electron lifetime. A new modulated anodization technique is introduced to synthesize doped semiconductors such as alkaline metal-doped niobium oxide and tin-doped iron oxide with enhanced the minority carrier transport and surface transfer properties. Lastly, the presentation shows the potential of tapping into organics-laden wastewater (instead of pure water) with capacity of few-hold higher in hydrogen evolution.


Wey Yang TEOH is currently Senior Visiting Fellow (since 2018) at the School of Chemical Engineering, The University of New South Wales. Prior to this, he was Tenured Associate Professor at the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, where he led the Clean Energy and Nanotechnology (CLEAN) Laboratory. His research is dedicated to the fundamentals of heterogeneous thermal- and photocatalysis, and particularly in solving various Energy and Environmentally-related problems. To do so, he and his group establish new strategies for rational catalysts design based on the photocharge transport, surface molecular catalysis, and photochemical conversions. He serves on the Scientific Board of HeiQ AG, a leading Swiss innovator in textiles.

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